Corfu Easter

Central Corfu Mayor: Easter measures successful to a large extent
CORFU. The Central Corfu Mayor is satisfied with the way things went with this year΄s Easter celebrations in Corfu.

Enimerosi report of clay pot incident reported worldwide
CORFU. The incident was reported as far away as New Zealand.

Record numbers at both Corfu ports over Easter
CORFU. The numbers confirm the general impression that there were more visitors this year.

Easter events in Corfu Town

Central Corfu Mayor: "It΄s an act of responsibility to limit the time allowed for pot-throwing"
CORFU. "As the number of visitors increases, it is necessary to take additional security measures."

Visitors coming by plane, bus and boat to Corfu for Easter
CORFU. Full occupancy rates in the town centre. High number of bookings in the rest of the island as well.

Corfu Photography Club exhibition ΄Korfiatiki Lambri΄ (Corfu Easter)
CORFU. Opening on Wednesday 24 April at 7:30 at Alexis Dairy.

Record arrivals at Corfu Port this Easter according to official data
CORFU. The number of arrivals at Corfu Port was even higher than 2019!

Upswing in number of visitors this Easter
CORFU. Approximately 40,000 visitors and 8,000 vehicles arrived at Corfu Port. Mayor Meropi Ydraiou talks about record year.

Resurrection celebration in Corfu - Christ is Risen!
CORFU. With cries of "Christ is Risen!" the midnight sky lit up above the young and old who had gathered to enjoy this beloved moment and hug each other with warm wishes.

First Resurrection with ΄botides΄...and an ΄electioneering΄ opportunity
CORFU. Leader of the Opposition Alexis Tsipras, who is in Corfu, took the opportunity to throw a traditional clay pot from a balcony - Deputy Minister for Immigration & Asylum Giorgos Koumoutsakos is also here.

Corfu Easter LIVE on Enimerosi
Watch the live broadcast of Corfu Easter on Enimerosi website and Greek Facebook Page.

Boom in ferry bookings for Easter this year
CORFU. All the indications are that there will be a record number of visitors this year.

Corfu Town hotels and Airbnb properties almost fully booked for Easter
CORFU. Hotels in and around Corfu Town are 70-80% full, with bookings continuing.

Meropi Ydraiou: Corfu΄s status as top Easter destination reaffirmed
CORFU. The Central Corfu Mayor thanks those involved for the successful organisation of Easter events.

Easter events in Corfu Town and Central Corfu villages
CORFU. Programme of religious events in the Central Corfu and Diapontia Islands Municipality.

Fireworks and ringing of bells at midnight for Resurrection in Corfu
CORFU. At exactly midnight the sky lit up with fireworks and church bells rang out joyfully.

Large numbers at the First Resurrection in Corfu Town
CORFU. Pots were smashed to ΄exorcise the evil΄.